Health Office

BHVS Health Office

The Health Office is staffed full time by Lindsay Hogan. The Health Office provides first aid, health information to students, staff and the community, hearing, and vision, height and weight screenings for students in all grades. Parents are notified of results and any recommendations. 

Throughout the school year, I will be reviewing all health records and will send home a notice if your child needs to provide the school with an updated immunization record or physical exam.


If your child becomes ill at school and needs to go home, the school will attempt to contact a parent/guardian. The emergency contact on the BHVS Health/Emergency Form will be contacted if we feel your child needs to go home and we are unable to reach a parent/guardian.

Please update the health office with any changes in these contacts. You may fill out a new Health/Emergency Form at any time during the school year.


Wellness information will focus on the following; germ prevention, ways to stay healthy, mindfulness, friendships and working together, nutrition and exercise, taking care of ourselves, how our body works, and safety prevention.


Please call the health office of any changes in your child’s health. If your family living situation has recently changed this may be stressful for your child and may result in more frequent visits to the nurse. 

Please also provided that school nurse information related to modifications in his/her school day, prior to returning to school.

what to do if your child is absent

If your child is absent, please call the office each day your child is out. When you call, report the reason for the absence and include symptoms and/or any diagnosed communicable condition. Most absences are excused if called in by the student's parent/guardian.  It is important we know your child is safe and well. We are required to track illnesses and provide this information to the New Hampshire Division of Health and Human Services. 


It is very important that your child comes to school healthy. If you are concerned about sending your child to school because of an illness, nine times out of ten, you are right to keep them home. Keeping children home when they are sick helps them rest and recover quickly and also prevents the spread of germs to others.

Especially remember to keep children home when:

Allow for plenty of rest and fluids. After an illness it may be a good idea to change out toothbrushes, linens and towels of those that are ill. Especially important to do (prevents reinfection) if illnesses are caused by streptococci infections, skin infections, and conjunctivitis.